

This national park, located in the extreme south-western tip of Java on the Sunda shelf, includes the Ujung Kulon peninsula and several offshore islands and encompasses the natural reserve of Krakatoa.



Handeuleum Island lies between the group of small islands located at the northeast corner of the coast of the Ujung Kulon Peninsula. Island Area Handeuleum ± 220 Ha. On this island there are species of deer (deer timorensis), and python snakes. The island is surrounded by mangrove forest.


Umang Island, situated in Banten province, is a small island perfect for your tropical getaway. Especially when you've done some business in Jakarta, since Umang Island is only 4,5 hours away from the bustling city.


The eruption of Krakatoa in August 1883 was one of the most deadly volcanic eruptions of modern history.


Panaitan Island lies off the western tip of Java in the Sunda Strait, the sea that links Java and Sumatra. As part of the World Heritage-listed Ujung Kulon National Park, Panaitan Island is as abundant in wildlife as it is in the rolling waves that surround its reefs.

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014



Krakatau Day trip
Full packages ,transfer return from Jakarta
Activity : Cruising ,hike ,foto tour ,and snorkling.


7 – 8 hours [ one day ]
Start / End
Sunda strait
Type of Boat
Fast boat
Minimum participant
1-2 people
Tour Itenerary
ü Pick up from Jakarta at 6 am
ü Transfer to carita beach by privat car
ü Greet and meet ,then ahead by fast boat to Krakatau Volcano
ü Cruising at Sunda strait takes 1,5 hour
ü Sail to Anak Krakatau
ü Hike up to Anak Krakatau ,foto tour
ü Back to boat ,and short cruise to Rakata island
ü Snorkling at beauty sea garden
ü Lunch and refresh
ü At 3 pm back to Carita beach
ü Retuned to Jakarta ,tour-end
Tour service Include

Transfer return Jakarta


Mineral water

Soft drink

Fruit and snack

Entry permit,snorkel and guide
What you have to bring
Sun block,trekking shoe ,eye glasses ,hat ,foto camera

Tour options

Krakatau group  is consisting three islands and one Volcano,most of the visitor round trip volcano only,but still
another opportunity to observe of Rakata island [oldest Krakatau],813 mt high,the southern most of Krakatau Anak.

3D/2N tour

DAY 01.
Upon arrival from jakarta transfer by car to Carita beach,meeting and break a rest.leads by local guide the tour continue to Krakatau island for 1.5 hrs by fast boat,cross sunda strait where ever Destrored by The Krakatau erupt explosion in 1883.
Roud trip of Anak rakatau and see of melted and frozen lava lies in the most part of Volcano.hiking up to the topof Volcano and do climb to a rim of crater.[ when permitted ].hike on volcano duration 2 hrs.Afterward prepare to camping in the smooth and black sandy beach front of Krakatau.[ free programe and stay ]

DAY 02.
earliest in the morning ,hike to Krakatau dome for Sunrise picture,and back to the camp,than breakfast.fiew minute later,short boat trip to Rakata isalnd,and started to trecking up to Rakata summit.many object to see of rakata island caused all the part of rakata are Vegetated.The vegetation of rakata most consist tropical rain fores and Casuarina Cemara,those are virginally forest it was fact of Krakatau disaster in the past6-7 hrs trecking in rakata island ,they are The real krakatau expedition.afternoon back to the beach and free programe ,stay.

DAY 03.
while enjoying the nature we offer you with so beautifull Sea garden just opposite a camp,coloufull under water reefand type of colour fishes are welcomes you to joint.
Break a rest till lunch , than back to carita by afternoon. 
Soft drink.mineral water,tent logistic,snorkling gear,Speaking english guide.
 Fibre glass boat/fast boat capacity 6 passenger,
equipped 'life jacket,double engine ,radio,
service Car transfer International air port jakarta up on request.
acomodation in Carita provided for visitor before and after tour.


Trip Packages surf panaitan 
All Pages

Slow Boat Packages
We Create for a minimum 4 - 5 on standar boat trip..stay on the boat except stay on the camp up to 8 person per trip
Sail of  Tanjung Lesung 4 hour drive from Jakarta the capital of Indonesia and only everytime cruising from some of the pristine surf you will ever find, she is perfect for you tell adventures and you are guarranted be look after..!!

A perpect destination for groups or sufer in search of waves far away from the madding crowds. This beautiful tropical island is rich wild life in great waves and clear blue water will take you far away from the hustle and bustle of everything

Ocean  wooden boat (wooden boat)  is 20 m long and 3.50 m wide with main engine Mitsubishi 2500 Hp (houses power 12 knot) Fasility : foam mattress, toilet, generator, sleeping bag, life jacket, radio, everytime crusing from mainland take 4 hours to Peucang island camp

A. ( Standar Ocean  Slow  Wooden Boat  + Stay On The Boat or  Camping On The Tent)

- Package 5D/4N : US$ 550/1 Pax based  5 - 6 person (1 group)

- Package 6D/5N : US$ 650/1 Pax based  5 - 6person (1 group)

- Package 7D/6N : US$ 750/1 Pax based  5 - 6 person (1 group)

- Package 10D/9N : US$ 900/1 Pax based  5 - 6 person (1 group)

Price Guide :
Full pricing is below. If you'd like some help with which camp you're most suited towards then please send us an email and we'll advise you accordingly. So we will confirm pricing on an individual group basis. Enquiries should be made contact us
NB. A deposit of  50% is needed to secure your places. Payment in full - 2 weeks before departure.

Itineray :
 We pick group  up in Jakarta air port or Jakarta city for meeting service with our representative  than transfer by car directly to coastal resort of  Tanjung Lesung take about 4 hours, then we board for cruising to Panaitan Island take 4 hour by the sea and could feel how reach marine and jungle, as usually from morning until afternoon you will surf and free surfing..! until end the trip.

Note :
This trip depends on the time of your arrival at the Jakarta airport, if you arrive at morning, afternoon or at  night time, you can direct to Panaitan or stay at our hotel on the mainland coast of Carita before we get into the boat the next morning

Fast boat Packages

Fast Boat Fiber Glasses (fast boat) is fiber glass boat Long 8 m and Widea 2 m with full double engine YAMAHA 40 X 2 Hp (houses power)  is always stand by for daily transfer from the camp to Panaitan breaks...
Surf Camp Packages
( Standar Surf Camp + Standar Fast Boat  +  15 minute to Panaitan )

- Package 5D/4N : US$ 850/1 Pax based 4 - 5 person (1 group)

- Package 6D/5N : US$ 1150/1 Pax based 4 - 5 person (1 group)

- Package 7D/6N : US$ 1350/1 Pax based 4 -5 person (1 group)

- Package 10D/9N : US$ 1750/1 Pax based 4 -5 person (1 group)

Price Guide :
Full pricing is below. If you'd like some help with which camp you're most suited towards then please send us an email and we'll advise you accordingly. So we will confirm pricing on an individual group basis. Enquiries should be made by email -to us

NB. A deposit of  50% is needed to secure your places. Payment in full - 2 weeks before departure.

 Itineray :
 We pick group  up in Jakarta air port or Jakarta city for meeting service with our representative  than transfer by car directly to coastal resort of  Tanjung Lesung take about 4 hours, then we board for cruising to Panaitan Island take 4 hour by the sea and could feel how reach marine and jungle, as usually from morning until afternoon you will surf and free surfing..! until end the trip

Note :
 This trip depends on the time of your arrival at the Jakarta airport, if you arrive at morning, afternoon or at  night time, you can direct to Panaitan or stay at our hotel on the mainland coast of Carita before we get into the boat the next morning    



Indonesia is a worlds largest archipelago nation with over 17.000 big and small island,huged by Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean,as well crossed by Equator.Indonesia is tropical country which is one of the travel destination of the world.Java island most fascianting area of Indonesia.It has so many beautifull point of interest to visited.Black Rhino java , is a local tour organizer and prvides you 24 hours information service on line,as well best opportunityto see and to have wonderfull taveling in java.we service tours such as: KRAKATAU TOUR,UJUNG KULON TOUR,JAVA OVERLAND,JAVACOUNTRY SIDE TOUR,SURFING TOUR,FISHING,DIVING,And BIRDING TOUR.all over Indonesia. Based in Carita Beach with immadiate acces to best detination of Sunda strait of ECO TOUR,those are THE WORLD HERITAGE SITE
PARK].PROFILESINCE 1994 krakatau-trip.blogspot.com FREELANCE TOUR OPERATORS is a team in tourism environment based on Nature , which has ever been trained in education and Qualification of tourism skill as follow;Guiding Education which is held by west java and       banten goverment ,Tourisme training for Youth activity in facing the development of tourism,held by head officer of managing of Indonesia University.Participating in gathering of Technologi by head reseach officer and development in  nature conservation of forestry.

Minggu, 02 Maret 2014


Situated just off the coast of West Java, Panaitan Island hosts 7 excellent surf spots including the legendary One Palm Point and Apocalypse.Panaitan is rich of wildlife and now you can surf its world class waves in warm, clear blue water away from crowds.Have you ever dreamed of surfing in a tropical paradise with perfect warm water waves to you and your friends
Well, this is your opportunity!
Panaitan is part of Ujung Kulon national park, which is a United Nations World Heritage site. Our boats have the required government permits to take you to these great waves.
We know your time is valuable and you are looking for the best value for your vacation to paradise surf island in Java -Indonesia, look no further as your surfing expert we are here to make your dreams come true.!

Panaitan Island lies off the western tip of Java in the Sunda Strait, the sea that links Java and Sumatra. As part of the World Heritage-listed Ujung Kulon National Park, Panaitan Island is as abundant in wildlife as it is in the rolling waves that surround its reefs. The view from the boat moored in Panaitan Bay is a surfer’s dream: peeling waves break against backdrops of luscious, unspoiled jungle. Local monkeys and deer dot the beach. Panaitan is one of the emerging surfing locations in the wave-rich Indonesian archipelago. Most famous for its relentless, heaving tubes known as Apocalypse and One Palm, the island also boasts a wide range of options to cater to all levels of surfers.

Want to come along and get the wave of your life? 

Not many people know about Panaitan in West Java in the Ujung Kulon National Park. It’s not easy to get there…from Soekarno Hatta airport in Jakarta takes around 3.5 hours to get to Charita. From Charita to Panaitan there is the choice of slow or fast boats. The fast boat takes about 2.5 hours and the slow boat takes about 5 hours if the weather is good.
This island, often called Empty Island, has many natural wonders. There are rare species of flora and fauna as well as many points with waves that can be compared with back door Hawaii such as One Palm, Napalm, Pussy Cat, Illusions, Indicator,

Croc n’ Rolls, Angel, Bombies and Apocalypse. The most well known points are One Palm, Napalm and Apocalypse. In 1994 this place was the location for the surfing movie Second Thought. This movie not only showcased surfers and waves but also the struggle of the whole film crew to survive there for 5 weeks when their food ran out and they had to live on rain water and the fish they caught. No wonder this film won awards!


The history of Mount Krakatau dates back far beyond the cataclysmic eruption of 1883. An ancient Javanese text called Pustaka Raja Purwa or Books of Kings recorded a far more extreme episode in the year 338 Sakaor, or 416 AD at the site of what was believed to be the current Krakatau Islands. The event was also believed to have changed the shape of the land.
“A monstrous rumbling sound was heard from Mount Batuwara which was followed by dark clouds, lightning and endless thunders. Soon after, great storm and devastating rain plunged the entire planet into total darkness. A massive flood came from Mount Batuwara flowing east towards Mount Kamula…….As the waters drowned the area, Java became divided creating the island of Sumatra” 
Berend George Escher and several other geologists believe that the event mentioned in the text was the Ancient Mount Krakatau, which at the time was called Mount Batuwara. This Ancient Mount Krakatau was believed to have a height of 2000m above sea level with a diameter of approximately 11Km.

Ancient Mount Krakatau
The colossal eruption devastated three quarters of the Ancient Mountain and left a huge caldera at the Sunda Strait. The edges of the caldera sprung out of the sea and formed the small islands of Rakata, Sertung and Panjang. The eruption was said by many to have caused the pitch black century, which caused a drastic lowering of temperature and caused the Sampar Bubonic disease that drastically cut populations. Some even argue that the cataclysm brought an end to the ancient Persian Empire and Nazca civilization in South America.  The eruption of the Ancient Krakatau was estimated to have lasted 10 days with the speed of volcanic matters reaching up to 1 million tons per seconds. The eruption was also believed to have formed atmospheric layers as thick as 20-150 meters and cooling global temperature by 5-10 degrees for 10-20 years.
David Keys, Ken Wohletz, and others postulate that the violent volcanic eruption, possibly of Krakatoa, may have been responsible for the global climate changes that occurred in 535AD, instead of 416AD.
Rakata, which was one of the three remaining islands of the Ancient Mount Krakatau grew over the years as a result of the volcanic activity inside the earth and formed Mount Rakata (or some called it Krakatau). Subsequently, two other volcanoes emerged from the Caldera namely Mount Danan and Mount Perboewatan. The three volcanos eventually merged into what became Mount Krakatau.

The 1883 Krakatau Cataclysm   
Early in the morning of May 20, 1883, the captain of the German warship Elizabeth reported seeing an 11-km-high cloud of ash and dust rising above the uninhabited island of Krakatau. Over the ensuing two months, crews on commercial vessels and sightseers on charted ships would experience similar spectacles, all of which were associated with explosive noises and churning clouds of black to incandescent ash and pumice. From a distance, the largest of these natural fanfares impressed the local inhabitants on the coastal plains of Java and Sumatra, creating a near-festive environment. Little did they realize that these awe-inspiring displays were only a prelude to one of the largest eruptions recoded vividly in history.
On Sunday, August 26, at 12:53 p.m, Krakatau delivered the opening salvo to a climactic eruption that would last throughout the evening of August 27. The initial blast generated an ear-shattering fusillade accompanied by black churning cloud of volcanic debris that rose quickly to 25 km above the island. Over the next several hours, it would widen dramatically to the northeast, rising to a height of at least 36 km.
On the following day, Monday, August 27, the frightening display of volcanic power would culminate in a series of at least four stupendous eruptions that began at 5:30 a.m., climaxing in a colossal blast that literally blew Krakatau apart. The noise was heard over 4600 km away, throughout the Indian Ocean, from Rodriguez Island and Sri Lanka in the west, to Australia in the east. Two-thirds of the island collapsed beneath the sea into the underlying, partially vacated magma chamber. About 23 square kilometers of the island, including all of Perboewatan and Danan, subsided into a caldera about 6 km across. At an original height of 450 m, Danan had collapsed to depth of 250 m below sea level. The eruption is still recorded up to this day as the loudest sound ever heard in the world in modern history.
The combined effects of pyroclastic flows, volcanic ashes, and tsunamis had disastrous results in the region. The official death toll recorded by the Dutch authorities was 36,417 casualties, although some sources put the estimate at more than 120,000. There are numerous documented reports of groups of human skeletons floating across the Indian Ocean on rafts of volcanic pumice and washing up on the east coast of Africa, up to a year after the eruption.

The eruption again destroyed the mountain and left remnants in the small islands of Rakata, Sertung, and Panjang. In 1927, in the center of the sea caldera rose a new mountain that was later dubbed as Anak Krakatau or the child of Krakatau. The newly”born” mountain continues to grow at an average rate of five inches (13 cm) per week equates to an average growth of 6.8 metres per year. The island is still active, with its most recent eruptive episode having begun in 1994.


Umang Island, situated in Banten province, is a small island perfect for your tropical getaway. Especially when you've done some business in Jakarta, since Umang Island is only 4,5 hours away from the bustling city.
The five-hectare private island is maintained by a single management,  Umang Island Resort and Spa, which offers the same comfort as a star-rated hotel with relaxing ambiance.
The location is also very strategic for nature trekkers as it's near the UNESCO heritage site Ujung Kulon National Park. Umang Island is also well-protected from the West Java sea storms as there's Tanjung Lesung beach to the north and Panaitan Island to the west.
So whenever you feel like lazying around a white sandy beach overlooking the crystal sea water, you should try Umang Island, where the beauty of nature may give you peace and tranquility.


he island is reachable via a five-minute speedboat ride from the shores of Sumur, Pandeglang, which is about four hours away by car from the bustling city of Jakarta. You can even bring your own car because the resort provides a free 24-hour secure parking lot in Sumur, plus an accomodation for your driver.
To get to Sumur from Jakarta, you can choose one of the two options below:

Route 1 (via Pandeglang) 183 Km

JAKARTA – Tol Kebun Jeruk- Merak – Exit Serang Timur (Km 71) – Pandeglang – Labuan – Tarogong – Citeureup – Cigeulis – Cibaliung – Cimanggu – SUMUR.

Route 2 (via Anyer) 215 Km

- Tol Kebun Jeruk – Merak – Exit Cilegon barat – Anyer – Carita – Labuan – Tarogong – Citeureup – Cigeulis – Cibaliung – Cimanggu – SUMUR.


The resort has sixty (60) cottages facing the West Java sea, each with two large rooms with a connecting door. You can choose whether you want one with a view of the sunset or sunrise. The architecture was designed with tones of wooden details and the structure's earthquake resistant. It also has the modern amenities of a fine hotel, including:

-    Parking Area
-    Arrival Hall
-    Driver Rooms

Other Facilities:
-    24 Hours Security
-    Satellite TV
-    Room Service
-    Fishing Boat
-    Traditional Fishing.


The resort provides two choices of transportation:
- Car Rental/Tourism Bus (Jakarta - Umang)
- Free Shuttle Boat (Mainland - Umang)


Located at the mainland or Umang Island, surrounded by enchanting natural scenery of hills, forest, river and sea. This offers an extensive outbound area for programs of ‘back to nature activities. Supported by a team of professionals who are creative and experienced in human resource development. 

-    Water Sport
-    Kids Club
-    Kids Pool
-    Swimming Pool
-    Karaoke Room
-    Pool Table
-    Table Tennis


-    Water Sport
-    Fun Outbound
-    Family Outbound
-    Honeymooners
-    Corporate Gathering
-    Corporate Meeting
-    Family Gathering
-    Wedding Party


Handeuleum Island lies between the group of small islands located at the northeast corner of the coast of the Ujung Kulon Peninsula. Island Area Handeuleum ± 220 Ha. On this island there are species of deer (deer timorensis), and python snakes. The island is surrounded by mangrove forest.

Charm that can be enjoyed in this island is an area Cigenter,  Cigenter paddocks, and Cikabeumbeum which if pursued could spend for 2 (two) days. To pass through the area needed a boat or canoe because going down a river.

Other interesting things to do on this island is a boating or canoing down the river Cigenter while looking at the type of tropical rain forest along the rivers. On the upstream side of the river there is a route that through bamboo plants to the  storey  waterfall.


This short forest walk across the island, the home of monkeys and deer, has views of Peninsula coastline and adjacent island.

Cigenter Grazing Ground
There several ways of reaching the grazing grounds and the most direct is by boats to a jetty near the Cigenter river mouth although alternatives routes through the forrest can be more interesting. The grazing ground’s wildlife include banteng, pigs, deer, peafowl and tunneling birds .

Cigenter River Trip
Canoe trips up the Cigenter River are somewhat influenced by tides and trees across the river and if conditions are right the canoes can travel deep into the forest. The cigenter’s waters meander thought dense overhanging rain forest, the habitat of pythons and hornbills where crocodiles and rhinos may also de seen on rare occasions. The charm of this river lies in its tranquile, primeval beauty.

Cihandeuleum Walk
Beyond the grazing grounds are dry season routes through the forest in the region between the Cigenter and Cikembeumbeum rivers. The attractions include a massive fig tree, popular with wild life, which extend over a wide area. Animal treks in the stream beds and wetlands of this region record wildlife activity and rhino and leopard tracks are often seen.

Cikabeumbeum and Cihandeuleum Rivers trip
South east of Handeuleum Island are three enchanting river outlets and their lower reaches can be explored by boat an high tide. From these forest of the sea come strange cloning sounds created by crabs and beyond are the silent inner waters.



Brief synthesis
Ujung Kulon National Park, located in Banten Province on the extreme south-west tip of the highly populated island of Java, has the best and most extensive lowland forest remaining on the island. The property, including the Ujung Kulon peninsula and several offshore islands retains its natural beauty and possesses a very diverse flora and fauna, demonstrating on-going evolution of geological processes since the Krakatau eruption in 1883. The Krakatau volcano as part of the formation of the property, is the most well known and studied of all modern volcanic eruptions, due primarily to the devastating effects (36,000 people killed) registered throughout the northern hemisphere. The property is globally significant as the last and most important natural habitat of the critically endangered, endemic, single-horned Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) along with several other species of endangered plants and animals. Ujung Kulon is believed to sustain the last viable natural population of this species, estimated at approximately 60 individuals. It is not known how this compares to historical densities, but is a critically low figure from the point of view of species survival and viable genetic diversity.Other notable mammals in the property include carnivores, such as leopard, wild dog (dhole), leopard cat, fishing cat, Javan mongoose and several species of civets. It is also home to three endemic primate species; the Javan gibbon, Javan leaf monkey and silvered leaf monkey. Over 270 species of birds have been recorded and terrestrial reptiles and amphibians include two species of python, two crocodile species and numerous frogs and toads.


Krakatau is one of natural world’s best-known examples of recent island volcanism and the property with its forests, coastline and islands is a natural lanscape of high scenic attaction. The physical feature of Krakatau Island combined with the surrounding sea, natural vegetation, succesion of vegetation and volcanic activities combine to form a lanscape of exceptional beauty. In addition, the combination of natural vegetation of the lowlands, tropical rainforests, grass lands, beach forests, mangrove forests and coral reefs within the property, are of exceptional magnificence. The property includes the Ujung Kulon peninsula and several offshore islands that demonstate on-going evolutionary processes, especially following the dramatic Krakatau eruption in 1883


Containing the most extensive remaining stand of lowland rainforest on Java, a habitat that has virtually disappeared elsewhere on the island and is under severe pressure elsewhere in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, the peninsula of Ujung Kulon provides invaluable habitat critical for the survival of a number of threatened plant and animal species, most notably the endangered Javan Rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus). The Javan rhino is not known to occur in the wild anywhere else on earth and Ujung Kulon is believed to sustain the last viable natural population, estimated at approximately 60 individuals. Efforts to protect the Javan rhino’s remaining habitat and individuals have become a symbol for protection of rainforest of worldwide significance, adding to the international importance of  the management and preservation of the Ujung Kulon ecosystem.The property also provides a valuable refuge for 29 other species of mammals; nine of which are on the IUCN red list with three species considered endangered and including leopard (Panthera pardus), the endemic Javan gibbon (Mylobates moloch) and Javan leaf monkey (Presbytis comata). Avifauna recorded within the property includes 270 species while two species of crocodile, the endangered false gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii) and the vulnerable estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) are included in the reptile and amphibian species recorded for the property. In addition to the rich fauna 57 species of rare plants have also been recorded.


The oldest and largest of the protected areas on the island of Java the boundary of the property encloses a very large area that is sufficient to protect its outstanding scenic, natural values as well as the important biodiversity values that warranted inscription on the World Heritage List. The huge volcanic mass of Krakatau dominates the property and is completely contained within its boundaries.
The property contains all the necessary habitat for the in-situ conservation of its unique biological diversity, including those habitats required to support the threatened species and other biota of outstanding universal value. While it is no longer possible to increase the size of the property, its location, in particular on the peninsula, provides managers with an ideal geographic unit for management.
A number of the component areas of the property are surrounded by buffer zones with activities in the zone given increasing attention in regards to regulation from the relevant provincial authority, with advice from the management agency. Poaching of the Javan Rhino has always been the main management issue and careful monitoring is required to ensure there is no illegal poaching of this critically endagered species as well as the other unique biodiversity contained and protected within the property.

Protection and management requirements

The property is managed by the central goverment through the technical implementation unit of the Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, of the Ministry of Forestry. The peninsula, along with Pulau Panaitan were established as a nature reserve in 1921 and subsequently redesignated as a game reserve and extended in 1958 to include several offshore islands and marine areas. The mainland component of the property was established as a nature reserve in 1967 and the Ujung Kulon reserve complex was declared a ‘proposed’ national park in 1980 with the Krakatau Nature Reserve included into the site in 1983.
The long history of conservation action in the property, dating back to 1921, has helped to protect the values contained within the boundaries despite the lack of a solid legal basis during the early establishment of the reserves. The long term management plan of Ujung Kulon National Park (2001-2020) is the basis for maintaining its natural beauty and preserving the critical habitats. Implementation of the management plan has helped to control the problems of illegal encroachment, logging, and commercial fishing within the boundaries of the property. The buffer zone on the land boundary effectively strengthens protection of the property and in addition, the involvement of various stakeholders from the local, national and international community has enhanced the protection of its values and integrity.
Generally well preserved, encroachment pressures are primarily confined to the eastern boundary on the mainland. Management prioritises long-term survival of the Javan Rhinoceros along with the other endangered species recorded within the property. The Strategy and Action Plan for the Conservation of Rhinos in Indonesia  (2007-2017) developed with broad, open, and transparent participatory processes has greatly assisted the future survival of this critically endangered animal. The strategy addresses threats from inbreeding, global warming, and human pressure and includes the development of a new sanctuary within the property and a site outside the property as additional habitat for rhino populations.
Poaching of the Javan rhino has historically been the main management issue within the property. Strengthening of protection through management actions has allowed the population to grow with the highest priority of conservation efforts being the in situ preservation of the population, allowing numbers to increase. Increasing pressure from agricultural encroachment, illegal logging and firewood collection in the terrestrial areas and illegal commercial fishing within the marine components of the park continue to pose a threat to the values of the property. Along with impacts from tourism these issues all require monitoring and enforcement of regulations to ensure long-term conservation of the property.